Tag Archives: amsterdam city

Amsterdam, a rich history

In the 17th century. Amsterdam became one of the greatest powers on the face of the planet. They were a powerful merchant nation.. Eventually setting up colonies in many different areas of the world. Many relics of that era can still be found today.

In the 18th and 19th century century, Amsterdam went into a steep decline after many massive battles with England and France. They hit an all time low during the Napoleonic wars. Due to the ravages of war they never quite recovered their former glory. Things have swung around now though and now they are the cultural and economic hub of the Netherlands.

Amsterdam is one of the largest tourist cities in Europe with 4.2 million visitors annually visiting there. Every year they have new themes to attract more visitors. For instance this years theme is ‘Amsterdam Hidden Treasures, which will be focusing on the four different areas being fashion and design, performance, history and art. This will be interesting to see because it will show a lot of not so well known or publicized aspects of Amsterdam to the curious traveler

The center of Amsterdam contains a lot of the original monuments and buildings from hundreds of years ago in a protected area. So if you want a taste of what life would have been like in a place one of the worlds former super powers the town center is definitely worth checking out!

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